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Information for graduate MASTER students

The program of the state master’s exam on order 02.04.02 "Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies" [master's program "Database Technologies"] (teaching in English)]

Order on the approval of the topics of master's theses (in PDF)

Master's thesis schedule (in MS Word)

Requirements for the content and formatting of master thesis 

1.   Requirements for the content

  1.1. The graduate qualification work of the master (master's thesis) is a finished theoretical or experimental research work related to solving urgent problems determined by the features of preparation for a particular master's program in the corresponding educational direction. The level of master's thesis should correspond to a scientific publication in this scientific field. Recommended volume of master's thesis: 40-50 pages, bibliography: at least 20 sources.

  1.2. A master's thesis reflects the results of a completed study and usually has the following structure:

  • Title page (sample in MS Word).
  • Task for the preparation of the graduate work (sample in MS Word).
  • A table of contents that should contain all the headings of work from 1 to 3 level and the pages with which they begin. The headings of the table of contents should exactly repeat the headings in the text. The table of contents begins with the word "Table of Contents", which is executed as a heading of the first level without a number.
  • An introduction containing a rationale for the relevance of the research topic, the purpose and objectives of the study, a review of scientific papers on the research topic, the structure and volume of work (number of chapters or sections, volume of work in pages, number of cited bibliographic sources), as well as a brief overview of the content of the work (including applications if available).
  • The theoretical part, which contains a formalized statement of the problem, description and analytical study of the mathematical models, methods and algorithms proposed by the author.
  • The implementation part, which describes the software implementation of the proposed models, methods and algorithms.
  • The experimental part containing the results of computational experiments confirming the adequacy and effectiveness of the proposed models, methods and algorithms in comparison with previously known.
  • The conclusion, which is a brief summary of the results obtained in the work, final conclusions and directions for the further research.
  • References that contain bibliographic references to the source. It is not allowed to include sources on this list that are not referenced in the text of the work. It is also not recommended to include textbooks and articles from popular science magazines and newspapers in the list of references.
  • Applications (may not be included) - materials detailing the content of the main sections (for example, full specifications of requirements for the implemented software system and / or test results, etc.). Supporting or additional materials that clutter up the text of the main part of the work should be included in the applications.

  1.3. You should use the language and style adopted for scientific articles for writing the text of the graduate work.

2. Requirements for the formatting

  2.1. The text of the work should be printed on standard sheets of white single-grade A4 paper on one side of the sheet. The work should be stitched (have a soft binding).

  2.2. The order of the sheets in the work: title page (see sample in MS Word format), task for the preparation of work (see sample in MS Word format), table of contents, text sheets with the contents of the work, application sheets.

  2.3. A table of contents should contain all the headings of work from 1 to 3 level and the pages with which they begin. The headings of the table of contents should exactly repeat the headings in the text. The table of contents begins with the word "Table of Contents", which is executed as a heading of the first level without a number.

  2.4. Page settings. Paper size is A4. The top and bottom margins are 2 cm, the left margin is 3.5 cm, and the right margin is 1.5 cm.

  2.5. Pagination is carried out in order from the title page to the last page. The number “1” is not put on the title page, the number “2” is put on the next page, etc. The numerical order is located at the bottom right and does not contain any additional characters (dashes, dots).

  2.6. The main text is typed in Times New Roman font size of 14 pt with automatic hyphenation. Each paragraph has alignment in width and 1,5 spacing between lines. Paragraphs begin with a red line with an indention of 1.25 cm.

  2.7. Section headings are left-aligned and don’t have an indention from the left margin of the page. The ending dot in the name of headings is not put.It is recommended to use headings of no more than three levels. The heading is numbered in Arabic numerals; the ending dot is put in the heading number of any level. For example, "1.", "2.1.", "3.1.2.". The number is separated from the heading text by a single space. The sections of “Table of contents”, "Introduction", "Conclusion" and "References" are made out as headings of the first level without a number. All first level headings start on a new page.

  2.8. The source code of the programs are made using the font Courier New size 10 pt.

  2.9. Statements, lemmas and theorems are made out as a separate paragraph and numbered in accordance with the order in which they appear in the text, starting with one.

  2.10. Figures and tables should have captions.The figure caption begins with the keyword “Fig. <figure number>.”, in bold, and it is placed under the picture with center alignment. The table caption begins with the keyword “Table. <table number>.”, in bold and it is placed above the table with left alignment.

  2.11. Footnotes are placed at the bottom of the page and are numbered in Arabic numerals.

  2.12. Cross-references to literature are enclosed in square brackets and are listed in ascending order by comma or dash, for example, "[1], [2, 4, 7], [3-5], [1, 6-9]."  In the sentence, the link is separated from the preceding and subsequent text by one space, for example, "in work [11] it is proposed". If the link is at the end of the sentence, the final dot of the sentence is placed after the link, for example, “Studies show that, starting with a number of processors, access to shared memory in the SMP system becomes a bottleneck [68, 111].”.

  2.13. The list of references begins with the word "References", drawn up as a heading of the first level without a number. Bibliographic references in the list of literature are ordered by the name of the first author or by name, if there are no authors. References are left-aligned and numbered in Arabic numerals. The reference list should be made in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 (in PDF).

Requirements for the presentation for defense of master thesis

1. Presentation format: MS PowerPoint.

2. Slide size: Standard (3:4).

3. The list of required slides:

  1. Title slide. This slide should include the following information: the topic of work; full name of student; full name, academic degree and title of supervisor; full name, academic degree and title of reviewer (only for graduation qualification works); the information of grants.
  2.  Slide "The purpose and objectives of the study."
  3. Slides reporting the content of the work (4-8 slides).
  4. Slide "Implementation". This slide is necessary only for those students who have acts of implementation in industrial or pilot operation.
  5. Slide "Publications". This slide is necessary only for those students who have scientific publications on the topic of work (see http://sp.susu.ru/science/papers.html).
  6. SSlide "Approbation". This slide is necessary only for those students who reported the results obtained during the work at the scientific conferences and seminars (see http://sp.susu.ru/science/talks.html).
  7. SSlide "Grants". This slide is necessary only for those students who received financial support on grants for the conducting scientific research.
  8. Slide “Results.” A brief summary of all key results obtained during the work, including the number of publications, approbations, and implementations, should be placed on this slide.

4. Screenshots should be used in the presentation to demonstrate the work of the programs developed by the student. The presentation should not require an Internet connection and run third-party applications (for example, animated videos that require the installation of codecs, etc.).

5. All slides, with the exception of the title one, must be numbered. >

6. 6. The report time takes 10 minutes plus 5 minutes for answers to questions.


Дизайн: Е.В. Аксенова